Wednesday, November 16, 2016


"Coupons offer a huge benefit that most other promotions cannot offer as easily: traceability. If an establishment runs an advertisement with a coupon in two newspapers, for example, the manager can put a different code on each coupon." (158).

Though newspapers are outdated and no one reads the newspaper anymore, we can still give out ads through facebook, twitter, tumblr, and instagram. You see ads all the time on social media and if you can show the crowd that you're out and about it can bring people in when it related to them, especially if it has a new feel to it than other places.

"Deals or specials: Short-term price reductions are offered on a certain product for a specific period of time. Restaurant and foodservice deals or specials often consist of a free meal with the purchase of a select entrĂ©e." (158)

If someone can bring in a screenshot of where they saw the ad, we can offer a second round of desserts of their choosing. Desserts are easy to make, and they're cheap, so there really isn't a loss.

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